The truth is staring in our face
Allowed to make mistakes
What a great time to step up
Now is the time
Future is getting closer
Dealing with uncertainty
The way to pleasant and value-driven consumer experience
Improving commercial performance through integrated sales and marketing efforts
Feels like a decathlon
Transformations are more about the people than they are about the technology
Getting more bang for the buck
The importance of the path
Marketing in a driver seat during the economic recovery
There is no going back to “normal”
Marketing nosi pomembno odgovornost pri okrepitvi gospodarstva
Elevating the marketing impact
Ko marketing obrne prodajno krivuljo navzgor
Leadership means inspiring others to believe and empowering that belief to become a reality
Leaders are made not born
We need to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.
Are you Agile enough?
Exiting stronger than ever – crisis as an opportunity
New normal - navigating to what’s next
What is modern leadership?