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Aug 24, 20222 min read
Vision to reality
I often get asked How do I help companies increase the impact? How do I help bring their vision to life? Well, each company is unique -...

Jul 7, 20221 min read
- a path of ongoing development and learning to reach our potential. We have moved from the tactical angle of how improvements are...

Jun 29, 20221 min read
What is your take on the resistance?
For as long as I can remember I have always been part of the change- whether we call it transformation, evolution, or simply building on...

Jun 22, 20221 min read
The significant difference
In the local language, we don’t differentiate between EFFICIENCY and EFFECTIVENESS, yet the variance and aim between the two are...

Jun 15, 20221 min read
The world has changed
I heard a saying recently: “ Nobody cares how it works as long as it works.” Well, the world has changed. T rust and inspire the people...

Jun 8, 20221 min read
We are at the crossroads between the potential and the opportunity
We have now spent months adapting to change and delivering new solutions at speed, yet it feels like it’s never been more important to...

May 19, 20221 min read
Gaining the necessary business agility
We are living through increasingly rapid, unpredictable, and unprecedented change. Yet, across industries, many companies have remained...

May 10, 20223 min read
Growth - one of the absolute and top priorities for marketing departments
We’re living in a time when CMOs must walk the talk, be active and follow through with stated priorities, especially when the...

May 4, 20223 min read
What is this ship's direction?
V zadnjih dveh letih se je moč odločanja precej skoncentrirala v vodstvu podjetja, ko večino odločitev sprejema direktor. Pa naj bodo te...

Apr 26, 20222 min read
Chasing that elusive growth curve
The world is never going back to 2019, and the ways we live, work, play, and learn will only continue to change. The way forward is to...

Apr 22, 20221 min read
There are no shortcuts to success
While we are locally still discussing why it’s necessary to become more adaptable and more flexible, we are in more mature markets...

Mar 30, 20224 min read
Proving marketing contribution to business performance
Management is increasingly looking toward marketing to drive top-line growth. Great news for building credibility, yet a challenge for a...

Feb 23, 20222 min read
Chasing the elusive upward growth curve
Growth, revenue, and new customer numbers are sexy and relevant to all the stakeholders in the management team, these top-line numbers...

Feb 10, 20222 min read
Today’s delivery of marketing is ultimately the revenue
There has been a lot going on recently in the marketing arena. With such an immense shift to digital, marketers needed to re-think,...

Feb 2, 20221 min read
It’s in our interest and it’s happening now
The critical part of digital transformation is “transformation” – a process, a mindset, a culture, an ambition to provide customer value...

Jan 27, 20224 min read
A clear, transparent, and persuasive view of how marketing creates value
Recently I came across an interesting podcast that was describing how the company decided to cut the funding for the most successful and...

Jan 19, 20221 min read
Innovation is central to the growth
Marketing organizations face a new reality, with a greater need to adapt workplace practices, respond to changing customer needs, and...

Jan 13, 20221 min read
It takes ongoing learning and listening
Contemporary leadership takes ongoing learning and listening, asking the right questions to motivate and innovate, so we can all benefit...

Dec 9, 20212 min read
It seems life is not meant to be comfortable😅
Some say I am moving mountains while I would argue I am making small steps. I have learned a long time ago that for things to change, you...

Dec 1, 20211 min read
Great experience doesn’t just drive engagement—It Drives Revenue
So, it’s worth remembering: 🔋 Consumers use more than one channel – to create seamless, memorable experiences you need an omnichannel...

Nov 25, 20211 min read
Marketers need to embrace the elevated role and drive cross-functional alignment.
One of the key topics entering 2022 is the role of marketing in bringing organizations together behind the key customers. According to...

Nov 23, 20211 min read
Digital is here and it's real
Have you also noticed how many conferences and keynotes begin along the lines “….Unfortunately, we can’t meet in person, but due to the...

Nov 16, 20211 min read
Transformation is difficult
How companies engage their employees can mean the difference between success and failure. People are the catalysts of successful...

Nov 3, 20211 min read
Growth aspirations continue to pressure budgets and delivery of marketing impact.
That is why many companies are adopting a full-funnel marketing approach - to become more relevant to their customers, - to devise a more...
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