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Should leaders embrace imperfections?

In this fast-paced world, strategy needs to be more dynamic. McKinsey  calls this approach  "stractis." Because it’s not just about audacious leaders at the top; it's about empowering people closer to the front lines, those who are in the thick of it, seeing opportunities and challenges firsthand.

We often set our sights on future goals, but how we pursue them matters more than ever. Rather than a rigid plan that resembles a game of chess or linear programming, we need to think of our path forward like a team sport game: full of forward, backward, and sideways moves. We must accept that not every move will be a win, and that’s okay. This acceptance is where the concept of imperfection comes into play. It's about creating a culture where failure is not punished but seen as a part of the journey.

And on this journey
✔It is key for leaders to walk the talk: you can tell your team you're okay with mistakes, but they won't truly believe it until they see it in action.
✔Celebrate teams that make sensible, calculated decisions, even if they don't always pan out.
✔Recognize and reward their efforts just as you would with teams that succeed.

This mindset shift will create an environment where innovation thrives and resilience grows. How are you embracing imperfection in your strategies?

Should leaders embrace imperfections?


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